主页 > imtoken钱包ios下载链接 > 贵州省西部大开发鼓励产业企业所得税优惠政策新闻发布会图文


imtoken钱包ios下载链接 2023-06-19 06:00:25


4月9日,“贵州省西部大开发鼓励类产业企业所得税优惠政策”新闻发布会在贵阳举行。 贵州省发改委党组成员、副主任张志宏,贵州省税务局党组成员、总经济师刘辉,企业所得税处副处长周国志贵州省税务局局长出席新闻发布会。 现场图文如下:


女士们,先生们,新闻媒体的朋友们: 早上好! 欢迎来到今天的新闻发布会。

为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于新时代推动西部大开发形成新格局的精神,促进产业结构调整、产业布局优化、开发与发展。西部地区特色优势产业发展,2021年1月18日,国家发改委印发了《西部地区鼓励类产业目录(2020年版)》。 为确保国家西部大开发鼓励企业所得税优惠政策的落实,促进我省产业调整升级和特色优势产业发展,培育壮大产业发展新动能,加快形成构建大保护、大开放、高质量发展新格局,根据《国家发展改革委 财政部 国家税务总局 国家发改委关于印发的通知》有关要求改革委关于延续西部大开发企业所得税政策的通知》 2020年4月,省发展改革委、省税务局制定了《西部地区鼓励类产业确认管理办法》。

今天请来了省发改委党组成员、副主任张志宏同志,省税务局党组成员、总经济师刘辉同志,省税务局副局长周国智同志。省税务局企业所得税处,向大家介绍我省西部大开发的鼓励措施。 同类行业企业所得税优惠政策的相关信息,并回答了记者提问。 下面请张主任向大家介绍一下相关情况。


尊敬的各位来宾、记者、朋友们: 大家早上好! 欢迎大家出席贵州省鼓励类产业企业所得税优惠政策新闻发布会。 首先,衷心感谢您长期以来对黔西发展的关注和支持!

《中共中央国务院关于新时代促进西部大开发形成新格局的指导意见》提出,“对位于西部地区的企业实行所得税优惠等优惠政策”。西部地区鼓励类产业到期后继续实施。” 今年1月18日,经国务院批准,国家发改委印发了新修订的《西部地区鼓励类产业目录(2020年版)》(以下简称《目录》)。 《鼓励类产业目录》出台后,国家根据西部大开发新阶段的新特点新要求,结合新时期西部大开发工作的新形势新任务,进行了修订。 区域差异必将推动我省产业结构调整、布局优化和特色优势产业发展壮大,培育壮大产业发展新动能,加快形成大保护、大发展新格局, 高质量发展。

西部地区鼓励类产业分为两部分:第一部分是国家现有产业目录中的鼓励类产业,包括《产业结构调整指导目录(2019年版)》中的鼓励类产业、《鼓励外商投资目录》中的鼓励类产业。产业目录(2020年版)》; 第二部分是西部地区新兴鼓励类产业。 我省新增鼓励类产业由原来的31个增加到45个,其中新增调整27个,保留20个,删除2个。 总的来说,国家《目录》的修订体现了国家对我省特色产业发展的引导和支持,省委、省政府全面贯彻落实“四新”总体要求,大力推进新产业发展。工业化与新型城镇化工业化、农业现代化、旅游产业化等决策部署高度契合,将对推动我省产业高质量发展发挥重要作用。

一是有利于促进我省产业转型升级。 《目录》增加了铝及铝深加工、采煤110、N00配套智能装备研发与应用、煤炭地下气化开采技术开发与应用、氢气加工与制造、氢燃料电池制造、氢气管道与加氢车站建设等项目; “磷-电-化”一体化资源综合利用、精细磷化工、优质碳素钢丝及其制品生产、风电、太阳能电站建设运营、新型膜材研发与制造膜元件自动化生产等材料和项目,将有力推动我省产业基础升级和产业链现代化,加快新旧动能转换。

二是有利于推动我省承接发达地区产业转移。 《目录》新增汽车零部件、笔记本电脑、通讯产品整机及关键零部件研发与制造等项目; 保留车辆制造、专用汽车制造、电梯制造等项目,并将进一步完善。 我省承接产业转移竞争力,吸引东中部地区产业有序向我省转移。

三是有利于发挥我省特色资源优势。 《目录》新增玄武岩纤维及后制品研发生产,石材加工生产,彝药苗药研发生产销售,医疗保健机构经营,农林特色产品,竹制品生产及深加工; 重晶石深加工新产品开发生产、锰深加工新产品开发生产、钒深加工先进技术装备及新产品开发、白云石精加工及综合开发等项目民族手工艺品的开发利用、加工生产etc地方优惠政策,将促进我省特色资源优势更好更快转化为经济优势。

四是有利于进一步推动我省融入国内国际双循环。 《目录》新增跨境贸易、国际物流、货运代理、跨境电子商务、外贸综合服务等行业,仓储、运输、流通加工配送等综合服务,公路货运交通、村级综合快递物流服务站建设运营等项目,将为我省加快融入国内国际双循环提供有力保障。

五是有利于我省巩固扩大脱贫攻坚成果,推进乡村振兴。 《目录》新增食用菌、茶叶、蔬菜、仙人掌、中药材、辣椒、水果、石斛、油茶等特色农产品,如特色农产品种植加工、生产加工民族特色食品、厕所革命等 技术开发与应用、工业节能降耗技术开发与应用、医疗机构管理、农村生活污水处理、生活垃圾处理等项目,并保留畜禽粪便处理,将有效促进我省农业产业和农村人居环境的发展。 环境改善、人民就业和收入增加、城乡医疗服务能力提升,有助于实现巩固扩大脱贫攻坚成果与乡村振兴的有效衔接。


财政部、国家税务总局、国家发展改革委发布《关于继续实施西部大开发企业所得税政策的公告》。 税务局制定并发布了《西部地区鼓励类产业确认管理办法》。


一是明确享受西部大开发企业所得税政策的主体。 主体为在我省设立的以鼓励类产业项目为主营业务,主营业务收入占企业总收入60%以上的企业。

二是明确了我省鼓励类产业项目的受理和认定条件。 即税务机关无法准确判断企业主营业务是否属于西部地区鼓励类产业项目,致函企业所在市(州)发展改革部门求助确认。

三是明确企业应提交的主要材料。 包括企业基本情况、营业执照复印件、财务会计报表复印件、收入总额表和主营业务收入表、所提交材料真实性承诺书、相关制作及经营许可证、项目合法合规性的证明材料等。

四是明确确认程序和时限。 认定程序为市(州)发展改革部门初审和省发展改革委复审。 初审、复审时限为10个工作日(不含现场核查、第三方评估论证、企业补充必要证明材料的时间)。

五是明确需要审核确认的内容。 主要是企业的主营业务是否在营业执照和其他特许经营许可证规定的经营范围内,企业主营业务的构成,企业的主营业务是否符合《目录》的有关规定。西部地区鼓励类产业”等需要审核的内容。

六是明确确认的具体审查方式。 主要是逐项审核申请材料。 必要时,可组织有关专家进行现场核查、联合评审或委托第三方评估论证。


感谢张老师的介绍。 请总经济师刘总介绍一下相关情况。


各位来宾、新闻媒体朋友们: 大家上午好! 非常感谢您在百忙之中出席本次新闻发布会,也感谢您长期以来对贵州省税务工作的关心、支持和帮助。

为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于新时代推进西部大开发形成新格局的精神,财政部、税务总局、国家发展改革委证监会于2020年4月23日联合发布《西部大开发企业关于所得税政策的公告》(财政部公告2020年第23号),继续减按15%税率征收企业所得税西部地区鼓励类产业企业占比 国家发改委修订鼓励类产业目录 2021年起新一轮西部大开发企业所得税优惠政策“升级版” (以下简称“西开优惠”)即将推出。西开优惠政策已实施20多年 2001年出台,是实施时间最长的区域性税收优惠政策。 对我省经济社会发展、产业结构调整、培育税源发挥了积极作用。 “减税大礼包”。 接下来就给大家分享一下西开优惠的三个方面。



“十三五”期间,我省实施西开优惠政策,累计减免企业所得税240.47亿元,惠及11个重点行业、4261家优惠企业。 其中一项优惠政策有力支持了全省二三产业的快速发展。 我省比较有优势的电力、矿山、医药企业,关系民生的供水供气,商业连锁超市,快递物流,物业管理,以及村镇银行、农村信用社、农村商业银行等服务“三农”产业获奖。 西开优惠政策支持。



第三轮西开优惠将鼓励类产业项目主营业务收入占企业总收入的比重从70%以上降低到60%以上。 我省将有更多企业享受这项区域性税收优惠政策,政策支持范围更广,更有利于企业在新发展格局下开展多业态经营,开拓更广阔的市场空间。



国家发改委于2019年10月30日发布并在全国范围内适用的《产业结构调整指导目录(2019年版)》中,鼓励类47项、815项。 从我省实际享受西开优惠的企业来看,涉及我省的鼓励类较多,包括水利、煤炭、电力、医药、油气、金融服务、商务服务、城市基础设施等; 具体鼓励 此类产业项目主要包括供水供气、物业管理、交通物流、医药制造、农村金融服务、绿色生态社区、大中型水电、单机60万千瓦火电、统配配电等网络建设等


今年1月18日,国家发改委修订了《西部地区鼓励类产业目录》,对我省鼓励类产业进行了调整。 其中,我省鼓励类产业由原来的31个调整为45个,净增14个。新增发展彝族苗药等民族医药,茶叶、刺梨等农产品加工,中药材、花椒、石斛、民族特色食品etc地方优惠政策,风电、光电子等新能源开发,计算机、电梯等电子电气产品开发,新材料、物流服务、采矿、利用矿产品加工等; 在原有项目基础上增设精细磷化工、汽车零部件开发、公路货运、医疗卫生机构等改造; 凿岩工具、钻具用钢、优质碳素钢丝研发生产、中小型农收机械、尼龙66等储备,锰、重晶石、白云石加工利用等。本次修订突出我省特色优势产业,扩大地方可享受西开优惠的产业范围。 其中,风电是应省内企业诉求,经过多方考虑,中标的鼓励类产业项目。



企业享受西开优惠事项采取“自行认定、申报享受、相关资料留存备查”的办理方式。 企业可根据自身经营状况和相关税收法规判断是否符合优惠项目规定的条件,自行计算减免税额,通过填写企业所得税申报表享受税收优惠,并留存相关资料备查。



国家税务总局贵州省发展改革委、贵州省税务局联合印发《西部地区鼓励类产业确认管理办法》(黔发改喜开[2021]193号)解决税改问题企业享受西开优惠时,主管部门无法准确判断企业主营业务是否属于国家鼓励类产业项目。 同时,发展改革部门、税务部门提供事前确认服务。 企业在预缴申报中享受优惠后,可在年度汇算清缴前申请提前确认,让您安心享受税收优惠。

2021年是“十四五”开局之年,也是西部大开发企业所得税优惠政策的延续之年。 全省税务系统将继续在加强宣传引导、简化享受流程等方面下功夫,推动我省第三轮“升级版”喜开贴优惠全面落地,让企业享受税收优惠及时便捷,为我省产业结构转型作出贡献。 经济社会提质升级高质量发展注入强大税收动力。


感谢两位领导的介绍。 下面,请记者提问。 在提问之前,请告知您所在的媒体机构。


张主任,您刚才在介绍中说,修订实施的《西部地区鼓励类产业目录》有利于推动我省特色资源优势向产业优势转化。 请问,以《目录》实施为契机,贵州依托资源优势做大做强特色产业有哪些考虑?



贵州是全国自然资源最丰富的省份之一。 资源优势极为突出,能源资源丰富,矿产资源丰富,生物种类繁多,自然风光优美。 我省优势矿产主要有煤、铝、磷、锰、重晶石等。 目前,全省累计探明煤炭资源储量766亿吨,居全国第五位,超过长江以南12个省(区、市)煤炭资源储量总和。 铝土矿质优量大,资源储量11亿吨,居全国第三位。 是我国三大铝土矿产区之一。 磷矿储量46亿吨,占全国的17%,其中五氧化二磷含量大于30%的富矿15亿吨。 锰矿储量8.36亿吨,居全国首位,是全国三大锰矿集中产区之一。 重晶石储量居中国之首,储量达1.27亿吨,占全国的35%。 全省有药用植物资源4419种,占全国中药材品种的80%。 “夜郎无闲草,贵州多良药”,是全国四大中药材产区之一。 温泉资源丰富,2017年全省旅游资源普查共登记单体温泉(地热)资源264处。 贵州自然风光神奇秀丽,山水山水千姿百态。 山、水、洞、林、石相得益彰,是贵州理想的旅游疗养胜地。


一是培育发展新型煤化工。 充分发挥碧水星地区能源矿产资源优势,大力开展煤炭地下气化开采技术研究,推广技术成果应用,支持煤化工开采,推进安全、低碳、高效、煤炭资源清洁利用,延伸煤炭产业链,培育建设国家新能源化工基地。

二是着力推进磷化工产业精细化发展。 依托西峰-开阳-翁安-福全优质磷矿资源,严格实施磷化工企业“矿渣化生产”,大力发展湿法提纯磷酸深加工产品和黄磷后加工产品延伸产业链拓宽产业 提高磷矿伴生资源利用和磷石膏综合利用比重,建设贵阳、黔南磷化工基地,努力打造世界级磷化工产业集群.


三是大力发展铝及铝深加工。 大力发展铝箔、铝线、铝管、高强铝合金、汽车轻量化材料等系列产品,积极开发高纯铝材料,建设清镇、亳州、兴仁、东莞等铝深加工基地水城,打造铝矿 集采矿、氧化铝、电解铝、铝加工为一体的完整产业链。

四是加快发展锰及锰深加工。 以大龙经济开发区、碧江经济开发区等重点园区为载体,依托铜仁生态环境和锰资源优势,重点发展锰及锰加工新型功能材料产业,发展高纯硫酸锰和镍- 氢氧化钴锰锰合金材料、镍钴锰酸锂、锰盐、磁性材料、电解金属锰、低磷、低碳硅锰合金、高硅锰合金等系列锰合金材料,建设国家锰及锰深加工产业基地。

五是积极发展钡盐产业。 依托黔东南州重晶石资源优势,加快钡盐产品研发和生产基地建设,重点开发钡化工新工艺、新技术,推进钡盐深加工,重点电子级、试剂级、医药级等钡盐产品的开发。 加大钡盐废弃物资源综合利用力度,促进钡盐产业集聚发展。

六是科学发展石材产业。 实施“贵州石材保护利用”工程,重点推进安顺、黔西南、遵义、铜仁、黔东南等石材基地和西南石材交易中心、玉清石材产业园、振峰超薄天然大理石加工、锦屏石材产业园等项目将促进石材行业有序健康发展,提升贵州石材市场竞争力。

七是做大做强贵州苗药。 加快中药材基地规模化、标准化建设,着力推进天然原料中有效成分提取等中药材深加工产业化,聚焦道地药材,提高生产技术水平中药材体系建设,培育在国内具有较大优势的优质产品。 种类。 加强苗药名方、验方和院方的收集筛选,引导和促进苗药特色品种的二次开发、市场开拓和品牌培育。

八是促进生态康养产业加快发展。 优化康养产业布局,积极发展“旅游+休闲养生”业态,推动医疗、养生、康复深度融合,加快构建贵州森林康养服务体系,构建多个休闲养生度假示范基地和特色温泉疗养中心、温泉养生小镇、黔中大康养圈建设、贵州侗乡大健康产业示范区、创建世界一流山区旅游胜地和国内一流的度假养生胜地。


您好,请介绍一下,如果企业享受西部大开发企业所得税优惠政策,享受的优惠政策是什么,需要满足什么条件? 谢谢!



According to the "Announcement of the National Development and Reform Commission of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and the National Development and Reform Commission on the Continuation of the Enterprise Income Tax Policy for the Western Development" (2020 No. 23) issued last year, from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2030, the establishment of Encouraged industrial enterprises in the western region are subject to a reduced corporate income tax rate of 15%, which is 10 percentage points lower than the statutory corporate income tax rate of 25%. To enjoy the preferential corporate income tax policy for the development of the western region, an enterprise needs to meet two conditions: first, the enterprise takes the industrial projects stipulated in the "Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region" as its main business; more than 60% of the total.

Judging from the current catalog of encouraged industries, according to the "Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region (2020 Version)" (Decree No. 40 of the National Development and Reform Commission) revised and issued by the National Development and Reform Commission on January 18 this year, our Provincial enterprises can implement three encouraged industry catalogs according to different types: the first one is implemented by domestic-funded enterprises and issued by the National Development and Reform Commission on October 30, 2019. National Development and Reform Commission Order No. 29), this is the national catalog of encouraged industries; the second is the implementation of foreign-invested enterprises, on December 27, 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce issued the "Encouragement of Foreign Businessmen Catalog of Investment Industries (2020 Edition)" (Decree No. 38, 2020, of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce). catalogue; the third one is the “New Encouraged Industries in the Western Region” in the “Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region (2020 Edition)” newly revised by the National Development and Reform Commission and implemented by domestic enterprises. The characteristic and advantageous industries of each province, autonomous region and municipality are the catalogs of encouraged industries formulated by each province, autonomous region and municipality. If the above catalog is revised, the new revised version shall be implemented.

In terms of income proportion, the third round of preferential corporate income tax policies for the development of the western region requires that the annual main business income of enterprises that meet the requirements of encouraged industrial projects must account for more than 60% of the total income of the enterprise, which is 10 percentage points lower than the previous two rounds. Enterprises must accurately collect and calculate the main business income that meets the above-mentioned encouraged industry catalogues. At the same time, it should be noted that the total income here is implemented in accordance with the "total income" caliber stipulated in Article 6 of the "Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China", including sales Income from goods, income from provision of labor services, income from transfer of property, income from equity investments such as dividends, interest income, rental income, royalties, income from donations, and other income.


Economic Daily reporter:

Director Zhang, I also noticed that in September 2017, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued the "Administrative Measures for Confirming Encouraged Industries in Western Regions (Provisional)". After listening to your introduction, this time, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and The Provincial Taxation Bureau jointly issued the "Administrative Measures for Confirming Encouraged Industry Projects in the Western Region". May I ask, compared with the original interim "Management Measures", what are the changes in the new "Management Measures"?

Zhang Zhihong, member of the party group and deputy director of the Guizhou Provincial Development and Reform Commission:

The revision of the management measures has two main features.

One is to submit a request to confirm the change of the main body. The State Administration of Taxation announced No. 14 in 2015: "Where it is difficult to define whether the main business of an enterprise belongs to the nationally encouraged industry items in the "Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in Western Regions", the tax authorities may require the enterprise to provide provincial (including sub-provincial) Level) Development and Reform Department or its authorized department issued a certification document", therefore, the 2017 Interim "Administrative Measures" stipulates that the entity should be confirmed as an enterprise. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and the National Development and Reform Commission's "Announcement on Continuing the Enterprise Income Tax Policy for Western Development" last year: "In the follow-up management, the tax authorities cannot accurately determine whether the main business of the enterprise belongs to the state-encouraged industrial projects. It can be submitted to relevant departments such as development and reform to issue opinions." Therefore, the new "Administrative Measures" stipulates that the subject to be submitted for confirmation is the competent tax authority, which is more standardized in the procedure and also reflects the government's orientation to actively serve market players.

The second is to decentralize the acceptance authority. In order to better serve the market players and facilitate enterprises to handle confirmation matters nearby, combined with the deepening of the reform requirements of "delegation, regulation and service", the new "Administrative Measures" stipulates that "the competent tax authority cannot accurately determine whether the main business of an enterprise belongs to the encouraged industrial projects in the western region. When the application is approved, a letter should be sent to the city (state) development and reform department where the enterprise is located to assist in the confirmation." After the city (state) development and reform department passes the preliminary examination, it will be submitted to the provincial development and reform commission for review and confirmation.

Guizhou Daily reporter:

你好。 It is understood that the taxation system has carried out the Spring Breeze Action of Convenience Taxation for many years, so what convenient services can enterprises in our province enjoy when they enjoy the preferential income tax for enterprises in the Western Development? 谢谢!

Zhou Guozhi, deputy director of the Enterprise Income Tax Division of Guizhou Provincial Taxation Bureau:

Thank you for your interest in tax issues!

At present, it is very convenient for enterprises to declare to enjoy the preferential corporate income tax policy of the Western Development. They only need to fill in the corporate income tax return and keep relevant materials for future reference. There is no approval or filing procedure.

According to the "Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Issuing the Revised Measures for the Handling of Enterprise Income Tax Preferential Policies" (State Administration of Taxation Announcement No. identification, declaration of enjoyment, and retention of relevant materials for future reference". The enjoyment time of the preferential corporate income tax policy for the Western Development is "prepayment enjoyment", that is, when the enterprise handles the monthly (quarterly) prepayment tax declaration, it can judge whether it is eligible according to its own production and operation conditions and the conditions of the preferential corporate income tax policy for the Western Development. Those who meet the prescribed conditions can calculate the amount of tax reduction or exemption by themselves according to the regulations, and enjoy tax benefits by filling in the designated columns of the corporate income tax return, and at the same time collect and retain relevant materials for future reference.

The retained reference materials mentioned here are also very simple. According to the "Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Issuing the Revised Measures for the Handling of Enterprise Income Tax Preferential Policies", the main retained reference materials for enterprises enjoying the preferential corporate income tax policies for the Western Development are as follows: The following two items: First, the relevant certification materials that the main business belongs to the specific items in the "Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region"; second, the income from the main business that meets the "Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region" accounts for more than 60% of the total income of the enterprise instruction of. The above-mentioned retained materials for reference shall be retained for 10 years from the year the enterprise enjoys the preferential treatment.

Lei Dian, director of the Western Development Division of Guizhou Provincial Development and Reform Commission:

Thanks to the three publishers for their detailed answers. Due to time constraints, today's on-site questions will be here first. If you have any questions you are interested in, you can communicate with the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Taxation Bureau after the meeting.

This concludes today's press conference. 谢谢你们!